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Ditch the guilt – ‘Me Time’ is not a luxury

Updated: 2 days ago

By Jenny Tinmouth


Prioritising 'Me Time - The Key to Balance and Well-being

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that functioning becomes impossible, and stress pushes you into a state of flight, fight, or freeze? If so, consider some much needed 'Me Time.'

Picture yourself on a plane, listening to the safety briefing about oxygen masks. "Place the mask firmly over your nose and mouth and breathe normally. If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask first and then assist the other person." This analogy highlights a crucial truth: taking care of yourself is not selfish; it's necessary. Just like on a plane, if you run out of oxygen (i.e., neglect your needs), you won't be able to help anyone else.

But what exactly is 'Me Time'? The Cambridge English Dictionary defines it as a "time when you can do what you want to do."

Our lives are fast-paced and demanding, leaving little time for self-reflection and emotional processing. Constant multitasking might seem productive, but it often comes at the expense of our well-being. The toll is extensive, leading to burnout, stress, decreased performance, fatigue, health problems, anxiety, and more. Our bodies are trying to tell us something, and it's crucial that we listen.

Whether you're a CEO, a junior employee, or a full-time parent, feeling overwhelmed by life's demands is common. Ignoring the signs and pushing through is not a sustainable solution. To handle stress and build resilience, we need regular downtime for self-care, and that's where 'Me Time' comes in. It replenishes us, fostering deep thinking, unwinding, enhancing creativity, and facilitating self-discovery.

At first, taking 'Me Time' might seem like a waste or even selfish, but it's essential for maintaining overall health. When we feel healthy and energised, we can better support and care for ourselves and others, benefitting all aspects of our lives. 'Me Time' is simply a moment to be "with yourself, for yourself." It's a reprieve from the pressures, a chance to find balance, recharge, and reset. The key is not necessarily about quantity of time but rather ensuring that it's quality time dedicated to yourself.

Everyone is unique, so what works for one may not suit another. Identify what self-care means for you personally. Find activities and spaces that give your mind and body the break it needs. 'Me Time' can be anything that relaxes and de-stresses you, from exercising in nature to enjoying a hobby or simply sitting in peace.

The key is to unplug from gadgets and immerse yourself fully in the experience. Embrace the moment, unwind, and re-energize - no need to push yourself to achieve or complete anything, the most important thing is to enjoy it.

Don't wait for the right time to take 'Me Time.' Schedule an appointment with yourself, just as you would with a doctor. Commit to making 'Me Time' a regular part of your life. It's not a luxury; it's a necessity. Taking care of yourself is the foundation for well-being, and its positive effects will radiate into every aspect of your life. So, start carving out that precious time for yourself today.

“Do not let a day go by without taking some time for yourself.”

Napoleon Hill

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